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Employment, Education, Social Activities and Leisure
All of our young people at Highlands Haven will have the opportunity to be supported to pursue their education and employment ambitions.
We will also support young people to carry out other activities, social or otherwise of their own choice.
We protect the vulnerability of our young people, as such, risk assessments are carried out to ensure that the activities they partake are safe.
Highlands Haven offers a range of activities and opportunities including;
Support with accessing benefits, education and employment.
Life skills and looking after their health and wellbeing.
This entails support and guidance to complete duties such as cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, ironing, running errands and other services. It can include:
Facilitating attendance for social and healthcare appointments and other appointments
Support to access and attend healthcare and welfare appointments (GP, Dental, Optician, Physiotherapist, Counselling Services etc)
Practical support – for example meal preparation.
Information and signposting
Psychological, emotional and personal support, taking out for a walk.
Increasing social engagements/contacts to enable maintaining connection with the community.
Community trips, shopping, and day trips to places of their interest including restaurants and cinemas.
Support Planning
At Highlands Haven we believe that the success of our service in delivering outcomes is determined by the robustness of our initial assessments, risk assessments and support planning.
To this end, Highlands Haven ensures that senior members of staff will ensure that all those involved in planning processes and risk assessments are competent.
While the senior staff direct these exercises, their role is that of facilitation and coordination rather than dictating.
The young people remain the focal point of the process.
During these processes we are determined to ensure that the environment is constantly user friendly and meets all aspects of Dignity, Respect and Privacy of the Young people.
We also welcome family, relatives, friends and Care Management Professionals input to their
Applying Person Centred Planning
Highlands Haven’s approach to how we work with our young people is based upon Person Centred Planning (PCP) which we believe provides the best way of helping an individual plan all aspects of their life.
The PCP approach serves the purpose of:
Encouraging an individual to think about their life now and in the future
Allowing an individual to make their own decisions and take control of their life
Empowering an individual by making them decide who they want to help them and how
Helping an individual to build a Circle of Support
Giving an individual a voice
You, Skills and Aspirations
Identifying your needs, requirements and personal characteristics
In helping our young people to develop their plans, a series of questions about an individual will guide the process:
What are their dreams?
What are their strengths or gifts?
What are their likes and dislikes?
What is important to them?
Who are the important people in their life?
What support does the person think they need to achieve the future they want?